My Services

Script Writing


If you’ve been paying attention at all, you know that most people are far more interested in watching videos than they are reading written content. To have an impact, you need to meet your audiences where they want to be, not where you want them to be.

Whether you’re hosting your videos locally, sharing them digitally on platforms like YouTube or even Netflix, or putting them on the big screen, writing scripts isn’t exactly the same thing as writing an essay or a white paper. Dialogue is just as much about what you don’t say as what you do, and what you show far more than what you tell.

For examples of my work for video, check out this playlist (17-42) and this playlist.

Website Articles


Website content might not be as popular as video, but it’s still important to have. Making sure your written content is on point is critical to improving your website rankings in organic search.

These posts can be mini-blogs (100ish words) to mega-posts (5,000+ words) to everything in between. Appropriate length is very dependent on what you’re trying to accomplish with the content.

If you want to see some examples of my website articles to get a feel, check them out here.

Creative Consulting


Do you have an idea for a creative project but aren’t sure what needs to happen in order to get it done? Do you have a creative team that isn’t working as well as they could? Do you just not know what you need to do in order to get to the next level with your creative work?

Hey, it happens. I can probably help you out with that. I’ve worked in and with some truly phenomenal creative teams, and I’m keenly aware of the kinds of requirements and limitations that come with creative work. The answers to these kinds of questions aren’t always immediately apparent, and sometimes you need a fresh set of eyes to look at the issues from a different angle.

Podcast Appearances


Look, the truth is that I love talking. I especially love talking about stories and the creative process. I’ve been co-hosting a pop culture podcast for 2 years (which you can listen to here), and it’s one of my favorite things that I do professionally.



The bulk of my editorial experience has been with essays and articles, but I have also worked with authors on short stories, novellas, scripts, non-fiction works, children’s stories, donor communications, and policy papers.

Whether you’re looking for high-level, conceptual edits; need help with punch, flow, and pacing; or you just want to make sure all your commas are in the right place, I can help you out.

All service pricing is determined on a case-by-case basis, but the consultation is free, so drop me a line.